Driver’s training course

Road transport continues to be a permanent phenomenon in today’s world and it will remain so for long. Freight transport on the road is indispensable at the start and end points. Travelling methods of long distances in between may change in the future, but there’s still time for it.

Competition has increased in the transport industry, however costs (taxes, fuel, etc.) are growing slowly but firmly. In this context, all entrepreneurs must reduce their costs. The main possibility for reducing costs in the transportation sphere is training course the drivers to use trucks more economically.

The truck is a tool and one of the biggest costs during travelling is fuel, but not only that. Also wear parts, such as brake pads, tyres, engine, etc., cause costs. In relation to the above, DAF Trucks N.V. has established a dedicated training course DAF Ecodrive for truck drivers whose skills have a significant impact on the performance of businesses in terms of reputation, customer satisfaction, profitability and safety.

DAF Ecodrive training course addresses practical topics that can maximise the productivity of the truck by reducing costs. The main topics of the training course are related to reducing fuel consumption, minimising downtime due to truck wear and increasing driver and cargo safety.

Content and schedule of training course

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