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ITS services

DAF ITS is an international truck service system that helps truck drivers everywhere in Europe.

Benefits of DAF ITS service:
– Across Europe, there is one single contact number: +31 40 214 3000
– Year-round service 24/7/365
– The service is provided in 10 different languages
– Fast and efficient service using approx. 1,100 DAF dealers and service points across Europe
– Services are also provided for trailers, superstructures and drivers.

Using the help of the Estonian dealership, the service provider has a solid guarantee in Europe that the bills are paid and the driver can continue driving immediately after the faults of the vehicle have been eliminated. In order to qualify for the aid, deposit must be paid into the bank account or cash register of OÜ Truck Trading Estonia.

International Truck Service phone no. +314 021 43000
ITS phone no. in Estonia +372 555 40 605

Contact form